Poetic Centers in Life (Part 3)

Life is never exactly linear when we try to comprehend it all at once; nor, if we are honest with ourselves, does it work well with strict definitions and clearly-labelled boxes for everything we think, say, do, and dream. That is one reason why I love the open-endedness of the concept of centers outlined in…

The Centers of a Poem (Part 2)

To continue on our examination of life through an analysis of poetic order… Poetic order comes about by the presence of “centers” that exist within a text, whose presence and structure breathes wholeness and life into any given part of the poem. An understanding of these centers cross-pollinated with personal values, beliefs, and activities may…

Levels of Reality

There’s an old joke that makes fun of someone who took up the dictionary, expecting it to be a novel only to come away from it unable to make head or tail of the story. The joke isn’t on those who laugh at the poor reader, though. It’s on those who don’t see the thousands…

I’m Sure It’s Good, But…

A friend tried to give me a compliment a few weeks ago I took as an insult. He said: “I read your works and think you have a gift for writing, even when I don’t fully get what you’re saying.” I cleared my throat, and he hastened to dig the hole deeper for himself: “I…

22 Principles

I turn 22 this month. In honor of each year I’ve spent in this world, I’ve written one principle that I’ve either realized as truth (as can be perceived), or that I’ve dedicated myself to living by. Usually both. Here they are: Pay full, complete attention to the task, person, or situation at hand. If…


Often defined as an over-consumption or over indulgence of something, gluttony lurks in the best of us, often rearing its ugly head (and cavernous jaws) in inconspicuous places where it catches us off-guard. Almost always, we are left worse off than before the encounter. And the costs are often not that obvious, especially at first. I…