Becoming a Warrior-Poet – Part 1

I gave a speech on “Becoming a Warrior-Poet” somewhere in Michigan on August 22, 2023, so thought I’d share it in written form here. Enjoy! * * * Come with me to a lonely impasse in Greece called the Hot Gates. It’s 480 B.C. On the one side is a sheer drop off; the other…

“They That Make Them Are Like Unto Them”

Yesterday, I read Psalm 115:4-8 with computers and AI in mind, and it impacted my understanding of both the psalm and humanity’s relationship with the technology we create. See if you could see what I’m getting at by reading the passage: Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands. They have mouths,…

Be a True Poem

I came across the following quote two weeks ago, from John Milton’s Apology for Smectymnuus: “…He who would not be frustrate of his hope to write well hereafter in laudable things, ought himself to be a true poem; that is, a composition and pattern of the best and honourablest things; not presuming to sing high…

Easy Goodbyes

Sam Tompkins’ “Die For Someone” has a beautiful line that made me think: Guided, I’m misguided Wasting my time with easy goodbyes Many relationships make up our everyday interactions with people around us. The cashier or barista you met earlier today. Online customer service agents. The local church congregation. That group of friends you’re going…

The Right to a Right

You do not desire something until you understand what it takes to achieve the object of your desire. It goes further. You do not truly desire something unless you’re moving toward achieving it. Inaction leads to stagnation, the death of true, honest desire. Desire drives all human thoughts, words, and actions. When desire remains only…

Scared of Being Okay

One thing scares the living daylights out of my soul as a creator, and that’s being okay. Or having my work described as “average”, or “nice”, or with such other platitudes. It might as well be unimportant, insignificant, worthless. It might as well be discarded—or better yet, never been made—if it isn’t something another soul…

Too Alive?

I used to be afraid of being viewed as too philosophical. Or too extreme. Or too unconventional. Or too emotional. Or too whatever. As if “too” was an objective stamp of shame, instead of the infinitely subjective and personal concept it is. What more does it mean than imbalance? And isn’t life made possible by…